Family and Community Sciences Department


Family sciences are applied development sciences that have an effective impact in solving family and community problems, promoting family life socially and economically, and keeping pace with global, regional and local developments.


  1. Raising the capabilities of students and following up on progress in the field of family and community sciences.
  2. Preparing and qualifying qualified cadres to promote family life socially and economically.
  3. Conducting applied research in the fields of family sciences to provide scientific solutions and participate in the service of the family and society.


  1. Improving academic performance and improving the quality of graduates to create highly qualified cadres in family and community sciences.
  2. Developing the profession of family and community science graduates in the field of consumption rationalization services, planning and evaluating programs, and providing consultations and awareness in specialized offices (family consulting).
  3. Apply the results of scientific research in a simplified manner in order to exploit and manage human and material resources to achieve the needs of the family and society.